Friday, June 25, 2010

Finally an update...

I made it to Phoenix a few weeks ago, and aside from some bumps in the road, I'm loving it.
Things I don't like:
-Not having enough furniture for my apartment (couch, a TV bigger than 13"...)
-Having to wait to buy alcohol (at a restaurant/bar or at the store) until 10am on Sundays
-Crazy fast drivers. If they think you're not going fast enough, they don't go around you, they just tailgate.
-Bugs. A flying cockroach chasing you while on an evening walk with your dog is not as funny as it may sound.
-The black leather seats in my car. Ouch.
-Not having TV/Internet hooked up at the apartment yet. I'm currently blogging poolside in 108 degree weather because the pool has free wi-fi. The sacrifices I make...

Things I do like:
-The ability to buy hard alcohol pretty much anywhere: Walgreens, the gas station, the grocery store...
-Blue skies. Pretty much all day/every day.
-Gorgeous sunsets.
-Low humidity. At least until the monsoons hit.
-My awesome commute to work
-Learning the local flora (yes there is flora) and fauna

More to come, but it's too hot to be out here right now.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wordless Wednesday.

Countdown to rollout: 18.5 hours